Pivoting: What It Means & Why It’s Important

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Covid-19 came flying like a bat out of hell and into our lives, which drastically changed the discourse of our 2020 plans. I don’t know about anyone else, but I was trying to catch flights AND feelings, be posted on beaches in bikinis, and sit in restaurants without worrying about holding in my cough. Unfortunately, many of us had to pivot our plans, our life, and our entire 2020 perspective. This year has taught me not only how to pivot around life circumstances, but the importance of pivoting as well.   

Y’all know I love my sports references so here goes: In the sport of basketball, a player pivots when they need to change the position of their body. Said player keeps one foot grounded while simultaneously using the other foot to change directions. This happens for one of two reasons, it could be to avoid turning over the ball and/or to gain a better position to make a strategic play such as scoring or passing. 

Putting that into perspective, pivoting in life happens for the same reasons. When we pivot as an entrepreneur, as a student, or as a professional we are not giving up the play, instead we are changing directions to adjust to circumstance(s). There is nothing wrong with changing directions! In a previous blog post, “It’s okay to feel lost in your 20’s,” we discuss the fact that it’s okay to explore during your journey as long as you know your final destination. That post highlights the fact that we can take several routes to one final destination. Well, what I didn’t discuss is what it means when you choose to change routes throughout your journey. In short, it means you are pivoting! 

Sometimes we pivot on purpose, other times we are forced to pivot. Covid-19 has forced us to pivot. Whereas, deciding that you want to change your major is a pivot based on life circumstances and is done purposely. Mastering the art of being able to pivot isn’t easy and I can’t say that it will ever be easy. However, when you are more accepting to change and become accustomed to changing your position during the play, you are less likely to ‘fumble the bag’ or turn it over in this case. I truly hope that this post helps you not only realize the importance of pivoting but why what it means as well!

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