Unprocessed Lifestyle

Stop Feeling Guilty for Being Lazy

Unprocessed lifestyle
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but… stop feeling guilty for being lazy. Rest is a crucial element to your success; regardless of your goals, rest will help you meet them more efficiently and effectively. As goal diggers, we thrive on the feeling of being productive, active, and useful. Each day we wake up with a purpose and intention to get things done. So much so that when we have downtime and want to rest, we feel guilty about it! We think that we are lazy, we accuse ourselves of not being productive, and we drive ourselves into the ground due to those feelings. It’s ridiculous, but completely understandable because we are not the type of people who are accustomed to pressing pause. For this reason, I felt a strong need to talk about being lazy and the feeling of guilt that often accompanies it.

Lazy is defined as “unwilling to work or use energy.” First of all, being lazy as a lifestyle is unacceptable. However, being lazy for a moment is encouraged! The word “lazy” is such a negative word, and I want to remove it from this blog post altogether. So, moving forward, I’ll be replacing the word lazy or laziness with rest or resting. 

One of my favorite sayings, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” is the perfect way to describe the importance of resting. When you refuel and recharge your body, mind, and spirit, you can pour into other parts of your life more effectively. Imagine your brain, your creativity, your decision-making ability, and your productivity as a muscle. If you overwork them, they will become weak, exhausted, and sore. As a result, it will be difficult (maybe even a bit painful) for your body to function correctly in your regular day-to-day tasks. This example is no different from how your brain and body function. Resting and being well-rested gives you the boost that you need to succeed as a student, entrepreneur, professional, or creator. It allows you to be sharper in your critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. 

The next time you are feeling guilty while binge-watching Netflix, sleeping all day, or lounging around the house, I urge you to step away from those feelings and enjoy the moment. Enjoy the silence; Appreciate your stillness; Hug your bed with your body and enjoy the comfort; Relish in the moments of watching your favorite shows. Enjoy what makes you wake up the next day eager to tackle the tasks that lie ahead. Be proud of all that you’ve accomplished, I even encourage you to reflect on your day/week/month, and know that you deserve the rest. Stop feeling guilty for being lazy and start celebrating the moments when you take time to recharge!

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