What’s Your Process of Living Unprocessed? 18 people. 1 common theme.

Hey tribe! If you read the last post then you’ll know that I’ve intentionally worked on connecting people to more than just a blog over the past year. I’ve worked to connect people to a saying, a movement, and an Unprocessed Lifestyle. I want people who read my blog to feel empowered to be better versions of themselves while still feeling the comfort of remaining true to who they are!

This brand is built on the pillars of authenticity and those who follow the blog understand that! Unprocessed Lifestyle is grounded in the belief that you can do both. You can be who you are while working to become a better version of yourself. You can maintain a 9-5 and be an entrepreneur. You can be a professional and a socialite. You can live your life on both sides of the spectrum without having to choose.

I asked 18 people, “what’s your process of living unprocessed?” and one common theme emerged. That common theme is the pride that comes with being unprocessed! The raw, unfiltered, unapologetic version of who you are and who you are becoming!

I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did. Comment below and let me know, “WHAT IS YOUR PROCESS OF LIVING UNPROCESSED?”

18 people. 18 answers. 1 common theme.

Living an Unprocessed Lifestyle.

Jordan, Producer/Director of 1957 Productions

“For me, my unprocessed lifestyle starts with the word FREEDOM. Whether it’s the expression of creativity, fashion or other personal choices, it’s imperative to have that independence. Over the years, I’ve learned that it is impossible to please everyone. So instead, I choose to gratify myself and be unapologetically me! And once I embraced that of mentality, my life enhanced Tremendously.”

Chanale, Host of the Being Bijuan Podcast

“Living BEYOND society’s standards. Not allowing people to put me in a box and expect that I live up to THEIR expectations. I live my life with so much passion, and I am the biggest advocate of new experiences. Living unprocessed to me is never staying in a comfort zone, but getting out there and EXPERIENCING LIFE. Being unprocessed is being unique, enjoying my journey, unapologetically because it’s MINE and unlike anyone else’s!” 

GoodTimeCee, the Artist

“What’s the deal y’all, I go by the name of GoodTimeCee, and I live an Unprocessed Lifestyle! For me, that’s staying true to myself and sticking to what I believe in. The music industry has a slight stigma to it that can be taken the wrong way if I don’t show, with my daily actions, that it can be done. You can pursue your passion! The work it takes to get to the top is so much fun when you’re passionate about what you’re working towards. Hate and jealousy will be there along the way, but you find that mixed with the infinite love you get from the real ones and that makes it easier. All this, while remaining me; GoodTime.”

Chanel, Student & Professional

“Unprocessed means raw, unfiltered, balanced, and simply unapologetic. Denzel Washington once said, “Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons.” I am not everyone’s cup of tea and I won’t apologize for it. (Take that up with the one that created me!) Loving who God made me is all the confidence I need to ACCEPT my authentic self. You’re perfect in God’s eyes, so why filter yourself to please others?

Managing a social life, working two jobs, and pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration can be challenging! However, I’m a Libra so I’m all about balance. I work hard and play even harder.

My attitude is exotic, my weirdness makes me unique, my beauty is indescribable, my confidence is unmatched, my personality is contagious, my dreams are ambitious, and my work ethic is top two and I’m not number two. I am a classy tomboy that will pray for you but won’t mind hitting you with a quick two-piece if you get outta line.”

Brianna, Registered Nurse

“For me, living an unprocessed life began when I started living my life for ME. One day I realized that I was living my life to please others. I overlooked the importance of loving myself first, and instead tried to find fulfillment from those around me. When I became unprocessed I let this idea go, and began listening to what my heart needed and how I could provide myself the love I needed. 

I’ve always had the mindset to constantly be improving myself. Through school, my faith, my health, and my mindset; I’m always working to achieve a new goal. I’ve learned that I need to be unapologetic about my work ethic and to strive for what is best for me without looking back, and the same went for this mindset change. Letting go of self-doubt and embracing self-love has been my key to becoming unprocessed. 

Fulfilling a completely unprocessed lifestyle will forever be a work in progress for me, but I’m worth it!”

Anthony of Eminent Photography HTX

“I use to be broken in so many ways. I held on to so much hurt, trials, and tribulations that I went through in my past. It took for me to not only know that I deserved better but to want better before I truly found happiness in life. I thought everyone thought so little of me because I thought so little of myself. Then, one day I woke up and said “No More”. No more self-pity. No more holding on to the past. No more negative energy. No more self-doubt. You can’t expect love if you don’t love yourself. So here I am living an Unprocessed Lifestyle, with so much to be happy about. A father, husband, and so much more. Chasing my dreams and not stopping until they are my reality.”  

Lauren, Mentor & Educator

“For me, living an unprocessed lifestyle means to stop finding comfort in dysfunction. Changing my major, going to therapy, finding comfort in the unknown (instead of trying to control every aspect of my life) has led me to live in my purpose. You don’t know what tomorrow holds, and that’s where faith comes in. Living an unprocessed lifestyle means to live everyday unapologetically and to be intentional in everything you do! If you don’t know what you should do next, reflect on your previous achievements and make a list of new goals! This is our year for consistency and fulfillment!”

Shelby, Public Health Registered Sanitarian

“I live an unprocessed lifestyle by being true to myself first, always. I realized I had to let my light shine in order to glow and smile in the face of any adversity. “The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed she could”. -Unknown 

Keir, Tattoo Artist

“I live an unprocessed lifestyle by living for my own satisfaction! I move when God says so, even if the people around me don’t understand the move that’s being made. I do me! I live fearlessly and I’m not afraid of making mistakes!” 

Gail, Healthcare Advocate & Philanthropist

“To live an unprocessed lifestyle you’ve got to be unapologetically YOU and that’s what I do every day. I choose my happiness and peace every day. I choose to be the anomaly, to not conform to what society or popular opinions might say or do. In a world full of copycats, be the ORIGINAL that can never be duplicated!!”

Justin, Producer/Director

“The term being “Unprocessed” alone speaks VOLUMES! I’m Justin Williams and I live an Unprocessed Lifestyle. As a writer and a filmmaker, the standard and structure that Hollywood has created in the writing process limits our creativity. NOT ME! I’m creating my OWN lane and staying true to MY STYLE. I write from the heart and won’t allow the fear of not becoming “ HOLLYWOOD “to hinder me from what is already promised to me. Unapologetic, passionate & self-driven is being Unprocessed to me. Stay true to YOU! You’re the original, the one and only.” 

Tola of OloriTech

“Living in my OWN as my OWN. Imagine taking a step back from being yourself because of someone else’s view of you. Feeling fear, empty, unfulfilled. I decided to stop living in FEAR of thought, and started living freely as ME! Being unprocessed to me means throwing on a business suit without losing my ability to relate to those who don’t. It means, not judging others for living their best lives. It means to LIVE unapologetically. I can finally say I’m actually living an Unprocessed Lifestyle and I’m loving it! A little advice: “Be yourself because everyone else is taken.”

Erreca, Doctor of Pharmacy & Real Estate Investor

“I choose to live unprocessed by taking time out of my hectic schedule to take care of myself first and practice healthy habits. I do this through things such as wearing my hair natural, making a hobby out of clean cooking, exercising regularly, traveling and relaxation activities. Every day is a new opportunity to be a voice of encouragement and positivity towards anyone I come into contact with. I drive myself to want more out of life in every aspect and to become the best version of myself daily.” 

Tera, Student & Aspiring Stylist

“It’s ya girl TLEW, a jack of all trades. A soldier. A lover. A child of God. The one born with the I will conquer all mentality. My mind is the center of who I am today. As long as I’ve continued to nurture myself along with walking in my purpose I’ve prevailed. With that, I can walk in any room and know it is impacted. The person to left may not be fond of me, but my spirit will be felt. After meeting myself, you’ll begin to live an unprocessed life, too.”

Kelvin, Mental Health Advocate & Humanitarian

“I always say, “The key to life is not being afraid to fail”. So many people live in fear of their true self that they allow society to shape who they think they are. So for ME, I live an UNPROCESSED lifestyle by not letting fear of the unknown dictate how I grow and evolve as a man. Living MY raw/authentic truth is better than living a fake fantasy of lies and doubt. How that looks and feels is allowing PEACE to flow through you, so that you can LOVE yourself enough to spread HAPPINESS throughout the world. Remember that the only limitations you have in this life are the ones you place on yourself. BE YOU!” 

Chrissy, Licensed Psychological Associate

“For me, living an unprocessed lifestyle means being the most genuine, authentic version of myself. It means not censoring or altering who I truly am to make others comfortable. It also means that I don’t have to limit myself to one goal, one desire, or one aspiration. #YouCanDoBoth has become a mantra for me; which means I’ll pursuing this Ph.D., holding down the full-time job of my dreams, and making time for fun with family and friends…all while killing it. Period. “

Peter, Attorney  

“Human beings are hardwired to adhere to norms that, at the surface, may seem like a surefire route to success or may provide them with a sense of comfort. We are all pure at birth. Our behavior, unaffected by societal standards, and our minds unobstructed by limited imagination and creativity. At this stage, your potential is immeasurable and the world is truly your oyster. You are, unprocessed. Every so often, there are those who emerge as visionaries. People who are not defeated by failure and are able to maximize their potential and transcend beyond conformity. These visionaries very commonly go on to do great things. My name is Peter Eze, and I live an unprocessed lifestyle by knowing there is no box large enough to contain my potential. No person influential enough to dim my creative light. And no reward handsome enough to make me complacent.”

LouiBAP, The Artist

“It’s living without boundaries. Only worrying about what you can control. Living an unprocessed life is living a fearless, fulfilled, and purposeful life. It’s understanding that growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Taking control of your life and demanding what you want from the universe. Understanding who I am and how I present myself means the most to me. I understand that everyone will not get it. I understand that my fearlessness puts concern in others! Accept who YOU are and own it!!”

I’d love to hear your process of living life Unprocessed!! Comment below and let me know how you live an #UnprocessedLifestyle.


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