My Struggle With Blogging During COVID-19

Audio for “My Struggle with Blogging During COVID-19”

Hey Tribe! I pray that everyone has been holding up well during this pandemic. I feel it extremely necessary to apologize for my lack of content during COVID-19. This blog post is important because I discuss my struggle with blogging during the pandemic. Before I jump back into things, I believe that this post is very necessary for myself and for the tribe!

So many of us have dealt with a variety of emotions throughout the past few months and I am no different. I haven’t felt motivated to write. I’ve lacked the motivation I need to create content. I struggled to wrap up my end-of-semester papers while also shifting into my work-from-home routine. My sleeping habits have been horrible. My appetite for anything other than crawfish has been nonexistent. And so much more. All of this has affected my ability to produce on the blog.

The beauty of all of this is that I’ve learned more about myself. I’ve learned that the lack of a routine makes me feel less connected to myself and my purpose. I’ve learned that I compartmentalize certain aspects of my life and I feel anxious when I’m not allowed to do that. I’ve learned that I thrive off of human interaction and when it lacks for an extended period of time I feel unloved. I’ve learned that blogging is hard, especially when you don’t feel you have the space to do so. I’ve learned so much.

I was productive towards everything except blogging during this time. Here’s why… In the past, I would blog at home and at coffee shops. However, when I had to move work, school, side hustles, and blogging into the same space (home) it made it hard for me to create/produce/blog.

This past couple of months haven’t been all bad though. Great things have been shifting in my life during this time. However, I’ve felt an overwhelming amount of guilt for the positive things that are happening in my life during such a negative time in the world. This will be discussed in greater detail on another blog post. I haven’t wanted for anything during COVID-19. In fact, my cup runneth over, but how can you be happy about those things when those closest to you are losing their jobs?

Not blogging during this time made me feel like I was letting people down. For that, I apologize. However, I am also grateful for the time I was able to give myself to rest and release. I cannot pour into others from an empty cup. I had time to love myself, celebrate myself, ask myself hard questions – and answer them, reconnect with nature, and so much more. I had time to fill my cup. I was forced to confirm things about myself that I may or may not have already known. I had time to breathe. Thank you, COVID.

All that I’ve stated in this post, I’ve also shared (in one way or another) on social media. I know that I am not alone in these feelings. We’ve had to speed up AND slow down during this pandemic. It’s been hard on so many of us. I’ve given myself space to FEEL. I’ve given myself permission to allow things to happen organically throughout the pandemic. Unfortunately, a blog post was not one of those things. I’m excited to see the world begin to speed up again, but moving forward I’ll keep reminding myself that (1) slow and steady wins the race and (2) going back to basics can be cathartic. I encourage you to do the same! It feels good to be back on the blog!! Let’s Go Goal Digging!

Live Life Unprocessed


  1. May 20, 2020 / 11:32 pm

    Thanks for voicing how writers like myself are feeling. My commitment to writing at least once a week has dwindled to twice a month. C-19 has taken the wind out of our sails, but this too shall pass. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. You’ll soon pick up again and be back to normal. Thanks for this interesting read.

    • Bri Lew
      May 21, 2020 / 12:04 am

      I’m so glad to know that I am not alone. A few of my blogger friends caught a second wind a few weeks ago and I’ve sat wondering when mine would come. I think and hope that it is here!! Thank you for reading!! Wishing you all the best throughout the remainder of C-19.

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