You Need A Winning Mentality Before You Win

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Hey, Goal Diggers! 

Today we’re talking about why it’s important to have a winning mentality because… spoiler alert: You need a winning mentality long before you win. A winning mentality doesn’t simply come to those who win. Discipline, dedication, hard work, and sacrifice among many other things are what makes someone a winner. Having a winning mentality isn’t just the thought of winning – it is much more than that. A winning mentality is portrayed in how you prepare to win. It’s your habits, your daily routine, how you spend your free time, how you better yourself, and how you evolve and grow. 

The saying “your mentality determines your reality,” is the perfect way to think about why having a winning mindset is important. The way we think can be reflected in our everyday functioning. Energy is transferable and a winning mentality has the potential to transfer to your behavior, habits, character, attitude, and ultimately your actions. Six solid weeks of having an intentional winners mindset can put you farther than six months of simply living. 

Winning isn’t just about being in first place when competing against others. Winning isn’t about competing with others at all, actually. Here, I think of winning as competing with yourself. Are you winning in your personal life? Are you reaching your own personal goals? How do you win financially? How do you win physically? What does winning professionally look like? 

With a winning mindset, you’ve already won half the battle. We often hear people say, “the hardest part about going to the gym is getting there.” This is because a winning mindset houses the discipline, resilience, and work ethic needed for you to actually get up and go to the gym when you don’t feel like it. It’s easy to pick the easy and lazy route, but a winning mindset gets you up off the couch and into the gym even on your worst days. A winning mindset is the foundation that all of your success will be built on and a weak foundation leaves room for cracks and overall instability. 

The opposite of having a winning mindset, which is a mindset ready to grow and evolve, is having a fixed mindset, which is a mindset that accepts complacency and stagnation. A fixed mindset is dangerous and it’s what keeps people in the same place they’ve always been year after year. Someone with a fixed mindset doesn’t accept challenges, they don’t seek ways to evolve, they don’t learn from criticism, and they lack discipline, ambition, and resilience. As far as I’m concerned, a winning mindset is the only type of mindset anyone reading this post needs to adopt. 

This is a blog for winners! We face ourselves every day and try to beat our personal best. We work to win the day, the week, the month, and conquer the year! We persist through life hurdles, challenges, and obstacles. We accept and learn from criticism. We focus on being better than our best selves every chance we get. We keep winning – because we’ve already won half the battle with our winning mentality! 

If you’d like a blog post about how to develop a winning mindset, hit me up and let me know!! 


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